Enjoy this special time together surrounded by nature, with time to connect to each other without disruption, time to talk and discover nature as it is, whilst enjoying each others company and the wild spaces around you.

Our itineraries…
First Class
Business Class
Our destinations…
Cape Town
Victoria Falls
Africa Pride
Get in touch
Africa Pride would like to say thanks to our guests and friends for sharing their photographs with us.
Africa Pride
Established in 1996 by Edurne Martinez-Garcia, Africa Pride is one of the few safari consultants and travel makers specialising in the Spanish market.
Address: PO Box 989, Maun, Botswana
Mobile & WhatsApp: +267 7215 1808
Email: edurne@africapridebotswana.com
Business Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday
We've got you covered with
Photos by Guy Symons
Presentations and photos by Wetu
Spanish, French & English spoken
Africa Pride Proprietary Limited is a registered Botswana Company number BW00001391507
Directors Edurne Martinez & Guy Symons